Thursday, April 18, 2013

I've been recognized!

This weeks installment is coming to you courtesy of iPhone email!

Here I sit, awaiting the inspiration necessary to fuel another week of Apartment Awesome... I'm more in a 'blog from my recliner' mode.  I do have an exciting tidbit to share: I have officially been recognized! I attended an in-service dinner this week, a MS meet and greet, if you will. It was held in our common room so I was happy to attend  without having to even wrestle on a pair  of shoes. Anyway, there was a dozen people or so gathered around, sharing MS stories and experiences. The woman to my left said, "Hey you were in the MS Society newsletter!" Indeed, there was a brief passage in the quarterly update about my blog and experiences at Crescent Commons. How awesome it felt to know, officially, that my words are getting out there, seen by handfuls of like-minded people and hopefully sparking an introspective thought or two.

This week also found me visiting my mom and cat in Budd Lake while in town for a neurologist appointment. My poor kitty was practically surgically attached to my lap, she wouldn't leave me alone. I cuddled her soooo much. But now I'm getting teary eyed just thinking about it, so I digress... My doctor doesn't take my medicaid HMO so I suppose I'll now begin the search for a new doctor-I needed to see someone closer anyway. Unfortunately that also means getting to know a new routine and regaling this new doctor with my sordid medical past. Ah well, yet another necessary evil.

1 comment:

  1. What's the soundtrack song?!? Love reading your blog as always.
